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New: average prices of neighbouring countries
You can now create and download market data visuals showing the average prices of all neighbouring countries of the Germany/Luxembourg market area.
The average wholesale price (day-ahead price on the electricity exchange) of all neighbouring countries of the Germany/Luxembourg market area is calculated automatically on the SMARD website. However, the countries used for calculating the average change over time, depending on when commercial foreign trade with the relevant market area began.
Country/market area | Included in the average price |
Austria | since 1 October 2018 |
Belgium | since 18 November 2020 |
Norway 2 | since 9 December 2020 |
This new component can be combined with other data categories in the Market data visuals section such as commercial net exports. Please note that the average price of the neighbouring countries is a subcategory of "Day-ahead prices" on the SMARD website and has to be clicked on separately.
When you select the main category "Market" in the Data download section, you can export the hourly data in the commonly used formats. The average price of the neighbouring countries is thus an addition to the "Day-ahead prices" data category.
* In the period between 2 March 2017 and 19 November 2019 the Polish day-ahead prices were published on the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform in zloty per MWh and therefore cannot be displayed on the SMARD website. This is why the average price is shown only starting from 20 November 2019.